Buchanan Clarke Schlader, LLP Indianapolis

BCS is a national CPA firm specializing in forensic accounting and economic loss analysis. Our firm is often retained in insurance matters, including property, liability, fidelity, and business interruption losses as well as other economic claims requiring investigative accounting expertise.

Steven J. Meils CPA - Curriculum Vitae

Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana
Bachelor of Science-Accounting


Certified Public Accountant

Professional Experience

Buchanan Clarke Schlader LLP (2002 onwards)
Indianapolis, Indiana
Campos & Stratis (1990-2002)
Indianapolis, Indiana
Reviewed business interruption, property and casualty loss claims, fidelity and other loss claims for insurance companies and attorneys. Extensive financial analyses to determine viability, profitability, and valuation. Provide expert witness testimony involving various arbitration proceedings and court proceedings. Serve as appraiser in disputes under the property insurance contract. Responsible for new business development.
Steven J. Meils, CPA (1982-1989)
Indianapolis, Indiana
Provided tax and accounting services to clients in the construction, wholesale distribution, retail, restaurant, manufacturing, and service industries. Provided litigation support services and claims evaluation services generally for the insurance industry.
London Witte & Company (1980-1982)
Indianapolis, Indiana
Staff Accountant
Provided management advisory services, audit services, and tax and accounting services to clients in the mining, manufacturing, stock brokerage, and service industries for this national CPA firm.
Coopers & Lybrand (1978-1980)
Indianapolis, Indiana
Staff Accountant
Provided audit services to SEC clients in the banking, food, manufacturing, and public utility areas for this international CPA firm.

Professional Affiliations

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Indiana Society of Certified Public Accountants

Professional Development

Speaker at the Property Loss Research Bureau (PLRB) annual meeting with seminars on measurement of Business Income Loss.
Provided seminars at the Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum, the Cincinnati Insurance National Adjusters Meeting, and the State Farm National Training Center. Topics included measurement of business interruption losses, financial motive, loss of rents, and damages in third-party claims.

Articles Published

Are Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Always Relevant when Measuring Financial Damages under the Insurance Indemnity Contract? CPA Litigation Counselor, Harcourt Professional Publishing
Does ISO Intend to Provide Coverage for Extended Business Income to Insureds Engaged solely in Manufacturing? Claims Magazine
Successfully Appraising Commercial Insurance Losses. Risk Insurance Magazine